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Micro Surgery training on the Skills App

Surgical training has traditionally followed an apprenticeship model, encompassing the demonstration of skills by a trainer, development and practice by the trainee with finally validation of competence. This model has been compromised during the COVID pandemic due to lack of training opportunities or a paucity of supervision.

Some surgeons progress quickly and have an aptitude for certain skills and others require a longer period of skill acquisition. The ‘ Skills Passport’ aims to provide training videos online, a facility for trainees to upload simulated and clinical videos for review, and provide feedback from trainers. A trainee can develop a virtual portfolio, which could be shared with future trainers allowing more tailored skills development.

You can record your experience on video (either in theatre or a simulated setting) and upload your edited videos to the app. Each video can be reviewed by your trainer, feedback provided and then used as evidence mapped against the competencies in practice (CiP) of the new curriculum.

A Video Introduction to skills passport